Our services

We provide a multitude of services all to include our young people within the art of music become the best version of them self mentally and within their careers. We strive to put the youth at an advantage with our services and all are tailored to the specific needs of every individual.

Support services

Knowing all of the problems our youth face We offer many support services tailored to the needs of young people.


The support services we offer are:

  • Tailored career development and growth plans
  • A personal mentor tailored to support personal needs.
  • Multiple different workshops to include young people within the art of music and provide other benefits like career furthering social skills etc.  Including activites like talks from professionals and expresses the reality of the music industry.
  • Sessions where youth can come for support with any of their mental health/music-related needs.
  • We have a learner agreement reward system when reaching targets aims and goals within a program, they are rewarded with different equipment instruments, etc or/and other assets that will progress them and contribute towards their positive future.
  • We will take the youth out on residential days away to get the real experience of a career within the music industry.
  • Mental health support mentoring where we use our music therapy specialist techniques to mentor the youth to good health


We offer multiple workshops in-house and external all to empower guide, support, and include young people within musical activities and/or the industry helping them further themselves and learn new skills.

The workshops we offer are:

  • Studio workshop: We do two types of studio workshops our in house workshop is on a weekly basis we have a studio space in our communities where for free young people can come to use our facilities, take part in our musical activities, get assistance in developing their career, learning new skills, getting mentoring or assistance to help them better their mental health through music therapy and/or any other music-related services they may need. Our external studio workshop is where we take our equipment out to other organisations or venues and run the same activities or do tailored activities to help the needs of the customer.
  • Holiday workshop: In the academic holidays we will bring our equipment to local venues and youth centers and run large music workshops where we have larger-scale activities, support groups, competitions, lessons and more all to include our youth in the arts and provide them with support opportunities and new positive activities.
  • Careers workshop: This also has an internal and external side. Externally we will bring our equipment industry professionals and more and run a workshop showcasing all of the different music industry jobs show days in the life have talks from professionals and more to a venue of customers choice. Our internal one is where we run this in one of our venues and young people can come along whether that's alone or through institutions.
  • Music for all workshop: Our music for all workshop is where bring our equipment into institutions and venues and we get young people involved within music through musical activities. We have team-building activities to promote social cohesion competitions prizes and more  .


 We offer many programs to develop support and equip our youth for the future and overcome their obstacles.


The programs we run are:

  • Music therapy: we will run personalised and tailored progressive sessions with young people where we will identify mental health struggles find the root cause and equip them with the music therapy techniques and put them through a progressive 1 to 1 course to abolish and cope with their problems and how to cope with possible oncoming future problems resulting in positive mental health. Teaching them how to use the art of music to their advantage as the hidden uses and benefits of music are not general knowledge. 
  • Careers development: We run a careers development program where we identify careers that match the individual young person's interest within the music industry outline their aims and goals and mentor them to their goals using our extensive industry knowledge, links services, equipment, and growth and development plans. Resulting in successful careers, apprenticeships jobs and placements.

Bringing our services to you

All of our services are now available to you...

Whether you are a young person wanting to know about the locations and dates of our studio/ holiday workshop or you are an institution, education provider, a government agency, a private organisation, etc interested to book any of our workshops or programs or enquiring then contact us 

“Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife.”  -Kahlil Gibran